Essência | Comunicação Completa | Estratégias de Comunicação

Fear is fundamental for progress


Is fear fundamental to progress? When we talk about the future and the development of organizations, we talk, most of the time, about technological and digital advances, but we often forget about the real engine of the future: people.

Where will the man make the difference? Taking advantage of the machines. Technology will allow people to progress … the most algorithmic tasks will be carried out by machines, freeing people from the most routine jobs. In this way, we will be freer to reach higher levels of cognitive complexity.

However, the question arises: “Will robots be able to have emotions programmed?” Yes. Very likely, soon. But they will be emotions programmed for certain acts and actions, but they will never be able to really feel fear, guilt or even have a sense of ethics. And it is the reading of emotions that warns of better decision making, less instinctive and more thoughtful, and these are capabilities that will never be removed from man by machines.

We will have a greater capacity to develop feelings, we will have more time to think and transcend: to make a qualitative leap in relationships and development. It is the feeling with which we do things that distinguishes us from machines. And it can never be replaced.


But the most important thing is that the future cannot be seen as man vs. machine. Labour relations will evolve. The connectivity between men and machines will be increasing. The experiences will be individual and personalized. The machine will be programmed according to each user. Consumer behaviour will evolve, but the feeling we put into things will make the difference. Machines will be able to give reliable data but are not able to interpret it. They will speed up processes and allow us to gain time to analyse in a constructive and evolutionary way.

But they will not take us away if we are perceptive and know how to make the best of them.