What is the ideal size?
This is, for sure, your doubt when you are publishing something on the social network
With the EBOOK ‘PUBLICATIONS SIZES’ that we have prepared for you, this difficulty is over.

12 years of Essência!


November 3, 2021. Today we celebrate 12 years of Essence! We are not going to mark the date with a big party, but we don’t want to stop sharing our joy with those who have been accompanying us on this journey.

April 25th


Matilde Sousa was the winner of the challenge launched on our social networks: writing a Poem referring to the 25th of April. On the day that Freedom is celebrated, we remember that the Freedom of each ends when the Freedom of the other begins. It is worth thinking about it. As promised, here we announce […]

Easter Recipes

Livro de Receitas

An absolutely essential Easter Cookbook! This is the digital cookbook you won’t want to miss. 18 absolutely essential recipes for a perfect Easter. It was born from a #desafioessencial and promises to be a ‘best seller’. The tasting has the certified seal of #equipaessencial. Who will try it? SUGGESTIONS APPETIZER Sopa de Passarinho, Filetes de […]